Institute for Promotion of Vedic Education and Culture
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We sponsor programs that support teaching of traditional Vedic knowledge in India in co-operation with local non-profit organizations, and encourage use and application of these programs at local communities.

We have identified two non-profit organizations, Dhanvantari Dhyan Yog Ved Vigyan Utthan Samiti and Anamay Trust, whose activities meet our objectives and we sponsor through grant applications various projects undertaken by these organizations. In addition, we provide grants to other Non-Government Organization whose activities are consistent with our mission statement.

Dhanvantari Dhyan Yog Ved Vigyan Utthan Samiti is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) which offers after school Vedic education for children in over 30 villages in the state of Uttarkhand through a network of Vedic teachers and local guides. Twice a year they assemble, through sponsorship grants, week-long free jamborees and bring together hundreds of village students from throughout the state for group practice of yoga and meditation, and scholarly competitions to foster friendship, appreciation of cultural heritage, and enhancement of personal experience.

dhanvantari students dhanvantari assembly

We have provided grants to contribute to the cost of semi-annual assemblies and support teaching operation of this organization.

Anamay Trust was formed in 2006 through a donation of land by local community in the village of Kausani, in Uttarkhand, India to establish a traditional Vedic school. It provides free education, room and board, and teaching material for 50 students currently with plans to build facilities for 121 students, and15 full-time teachers and other support staff.

We have sponsored construction of infrastructure elements of the school site such as rain water harvesting tanks, a sewage treatment plant, grain mills, and a cow shed, which provide environmental-friendly solutions for the needs and activities of the school.

anamay meditation hall anamay students

We also support Anamay Trust regularly to meet their operating expenses.

Vergal Educational & Charitable Trust is a Non-Government Organization in the state of Tamil Nadu that provides educational supplies for children from poor families. In response to their appeal we have sponsored purchase of school supplies for 200 students in and around Kanchipuram.

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